OUTPOST1 Preview: Joe Nice
It’s almost go time! This month’s OUTPOST1 is here on Friday! We’ve got an enormous guest coming from Baltimore to help tear the Fuze Box down. Joe Nice is universally credited for being North America’s ambassador to dubstep. Dude has been in the scene since before there was even a label for the genre. Keeping on with these nutty claims, he founded DubWar, the first dubstep party in America in ’05. He’s also the first American DJ to play on RINSEFM, first American to play DMZ and the first American to play FWD. Dang.

Even with the explosion of “American Dubstep” (which is usually just electro midrange chainsaw noises) Joe Nice is making moves to keep furthering the sound of real dubstep. With the tagline “low frequency with decency”, RECONSTRVCT is a new series in Bushwick for the real dubstep heads, catering to the open, airy and deep sound of true dubstep. You find out more about this event (and a ton about Joe) in an interview Bassfaced did with Joe Nice last month.
You can listen to Joe’s radio show for GourmetBeats below to get into Joe’s sound before OUTPOST1 this Friday. Download that jammer for the iPhone, it’s nonstop bangers.