David Rees: How To Sharpen Pencils (at Valentine’s)
Seriously, watch the video.
David Rees, who was a political comic for Rolling Stone, quit his job as a comic and opened a mail-order artesian pencil sharpening business. His newest book is 224 pages of detailed instructions on how to accomplish such a dutiful task. Luckily for us, David is coming to Valentine’s on Thursday, July 25 at 7pm to perform an interactive demo with the audience to clear up any confusion. He’ll be reading from his book, getting audience help for certain parts and asking questions about the history, ethics, technology and politics of pencil sharpening.
From the Facebook event:
“David Rees is well known for his comic strips “My New Filing Technique is Unstoppable” and “Get Your War On.” Rees took a break from comedy in 2010 to pursue a very serious career in pencil sharpening. He opened a mail-order pencil sharpening business, and over the past 2 years has literally honed his craft to the point that he is the foremost expert in sharpening pencils. His new book is part memoir, part history, and part instructional manual on this forgotten art.”
For more info, check the event page, and for your sharpening needs, head to artisanalpencilsharpening.com