UAlbany’s fresh paint job
If you’re walking around UAlbany’s campus today, look up from your cell phone screens and take notice of the fresh stencil work that appeared overnight, scattered throughout the podium.
On roughly 25-30% of the cement columns, reads the message, clear in purple spray paint (for “school spirit”): “Did you know 99% of UAlbany students were NOT part of the Kegs N’ Eggs riot but were punished for it.”
The stencil is designed as a riff on the University Counseling Center’s infamous “Did You Know?” social norm campaign.
Edward Durell Stone, the renowned architect of the uptown campus’ unique design, must be cringing in his grave, as this chronic daily headache returns to the University and its reputation.
Looks as though many are making it clear that the Kegs ‘N Eggs and Fountain Day fiasco from a couple weeks back is far from over. This quasi-experiment very well could be foreshadowing that the still-pissed-off students are continuing to rally in response to the cancelation of Fountain Day. There’s potential something big could go down in the weeks ahead. Any else got Shoenice revenge theories?