Albany | Events | OUTPOST1 | Things to do
Quality events for this weekend vol. 23
This post seems a little light so if I missed something — leave it in a comment!
Friday October 21
Occupy Albany [fbook]
Caleb Lionheart, One Win Choice, Astpai at the HRCH 8pm [fbook]
J.Cole, Armory 7pm [fbook]
Zombie Film Feast 4 at The Linda [fbook]
Pinkerton’s 15th Anniversary Tribue Show, Valentines 8pm, [fbook]

Our own party!
OUTPOST1 with Dave Q, Knomad, Looney, Party With Tina, free until 11 [fbook]
Saturday October 22
Watson Explained, RPI, 9am, free [via]
Zombie Film Feast 4 at The Linda [fbook]
Gwar and Everytime I Die at Northern Lights, 7pm, $20 [via]