Quality events for this weekend

Friday January 31
high 38º low 23º
Hellseeker Goth Nite at No Fun: With Public Circuit.
30+ at Fuze Box: With DJ TGIF & DJ King Bully.
Reasonable Hour Dance Party at The Pickle: With DJ Nate Da Great & DJ Tomb.
DJ Hollw8d at WTs: Open format dance party.
Comedy Show at Fort Orange Brewing: With Bret Raybould, Joe Nunnink, Aliza Ghandi.
Salsa and Bachata at Bar Vegan: Learn and dance. Beginner friendly.
Happy Birthday James, New Vision, The Motorbabies at Stacks Troy: Emo/shoegaze/indie.
Slowdive at MASS MoCA: Shoegaze.
Pecha Kucha at Opalka: Short talks by interesting people.
Critical Intimacies at EMPAC: “In this program, Critical Intimacies: Feminist Imaginative Technologies, artist and filmmaker Thuy-Han Nguyen-Chi, together with writer and film/performance researcher Katie Kirkland, offer an experimental lecture through dialogue and the exchange of films and texts”.
Saturday February 1
high 29º low 10º
Ice Queen, Carnwennan, Bloodx3 at No Fun: Black/thrash metal.
Saturday at The Pickle: With DJ Celeb.
Warped Tour Band, Dookie, All The Blink Things at Lark Hall: Emo/pop-punk.
Sunday February 2
high 27º low 6º
Kerosene Heights, Senior Living, Elephant Jake, Everybody That Loves You at No Fun: Emo/punk.
All weekend
Lake George Winter Carnival: Events, food, drinks, and more.
Evergreen things to do
Go see a movie at the Spectrum Theater. Go see some some movies and be sure to grab a drink and snack and Delaware Supply before (or after).
Classes at Honest Weight Food Co-Op: Free and low-cost community classes, events, and services.
Art Omi: The sculpture fields are awesome.
Day trip to MASS MoCA: Pretty drive and a great museum.
Olana State Historic Site in Hudson: Rotating weekly programs and a landscape to get lost in.
Opalka Gallery: Check out the latest exhibit at Sage’s Opalka Gallery (closed Sundays).
The NYS Museum: Bunch of great exhibits and it’s right in your backyard.
Go Hiking: You live in an amazing area for hiking. Touch grass!
Farmer’s Markets: Saturday has Troy, Saratoga, and Menands (year round), Delmar (May through Oct), and Colonie (May thru Sept). Sunday has Schenectady (year round), and Waterford (May through Oct).
Did I miss something? Or get something wrong? Please let me know!
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