Ticket Giveaway: Brenmar at Putnam Den
on.the.sly & The Diamond Armada are kind enough to hook us up with a pair of tickets to give away for this Saturday’s show at Putnam Den. Brenmar has been one of my favorite DJs since I started paying attention to club music. His priority of getting the women in the room moving lends itself to some of the best and most appropriate tunes you can hear in a club, ever. Also on the bill is locals Despereaux, Looney, Party With Tina (that’s me), Sweatpants $, and on.the.sly’s own knomad.
The mix above is one of my favorites and is seriously in constant rotation. I absolutely love R&B and this mix really scratches the itch. That mix is a must download. In addition to that, there’s tons of amazing local support and you’re sure to not hear the same boring tunes the rest of Saratoga has their DJs playing. Put this in your calendar and come out and have an abnormally fun night.
Hit the jump to enter the contest!