Recap: Saves The Day & The Get Up Kids at Northern Lights
Saves The Day and the Get Up Kids, it was seriously high school all over again. Which was awesome.
The two bands co-headlined for this tour, started on time (telltale sign they’re getting old) and split up the time on stage evenly. They both played for a bit over an hour, which is about a half hour too long (bands should only play for 35 minutes absolute max). I admittedly am not terribly familiar with The Get Up Kids but recalled a bunch of their songs and enjoyed seeing them for the first time. Saves The Day however needs to convince Chris Conley’s emotionally altered state of thinking and only play shit from Through Being Cool and Stay What You Are. I understand the need to stay engaged as an artist, but lets be real here. It was my first time seeing them and I was bored most of the time. Rest in peace high-school Andrew.
It was fun show but its impossible to compare it to seeing them play during the Through Being Cool and Stay What You Are era. Oh well, for a couple hours I got as close as we could to reliving the hyper awkward and angst ridden days of my youth.
A few more photos I after the break!

Big thanks to Ted from Step Up for getting us a photo pass! (like their facebook — they give away tickets to every show they put on)