Planned Parenthood offering free HPV vaccines

ALBANY — Genital human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the United States, with three out of four people infected with HPV during their lives.

In order to combat this serious health issue, Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood (UHPP) is providing FREE HPV vaccines to women between the ages of 19 and 26, made possible through a grant from the New York State Health Department. The series of three injections helps to protect against some types of Human Papillomavirus which cause genital warts and most cervical cancer.

The promotion will take place in Columbia, Greene, Albany and Rensselaer counties.

In response to rising rates of HPV, the New York State Health Department has provided special grants to family planning agencies enabling them to provide and promote the HPV vaccine, Gardasil, at no cost to patients.

“Although it is best to get the vaccine before becoming sexually active it is still highly recommended at any age, nine or older” Christine Pluviose, MD, Vice President for Patient Services at UHPP said in a release. “Those women who are already sexually active remain at risk for HPV and the vaccine remains effective at preventing exposure to those strains that can cause serious medical problems.”

The vaccine is administered in three doses, and requires three visits to the health center. “The only way to be sure that a person gets the maximum benefit from the HPV vaccination is to complete all three doses,” explains Pluviose.

With each dose normally costing approximately $120 or more per injection, price was definitely proving a roadblock to women who wanted protection but could not afford all three doses. The recommended timeline for injections requires patients to receive all three doses within a six month period. The second and third doses should be given at two and six months (respectively) after the first dose.

Appointments must be made in advance to receive the vaccine. Although the vaccine is free, patients are required to pay for a nurse visit which is subject to Planned Parenthood’s sliding-scale fee.

The grant does not cover the expense of vaccinations for males; however they may also receive the HPV vaccine to reduced risk of contracting the virus and developing the genital warts associated with this common STI.

Vaccinating men provides a double benefit in that fewer men with HPV will also mean that fewer women are exposed. The vaccine will be available at UHPP all year or until supplies last. Continued...

ALBANY — Genital human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the United States, with three out of four people infected with HPV during their lives.

In order to combat this serious health issue, Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood (UHPP) is providing FREE HPV vaccines to women between the ages of 19 and 26, made possible through a grant from the New York State Health Department. The series of three injections helps to protect against some types of Human Papillomavirus which cause genital warts and most cervical cancer.

The promotion will take place in Columbia, Greene, Albany and Rensselaer counties.

In response to rising rates of HPV, the New York State Health Department has provided special grants to family planning agencies enabling them to provide and promote the HPV vaccine, Gardasil, at no cost to patients.

“Although it is best to get the vaccine before becoming sexually active it is still highly recommended at any age, nine or older” Christine Pluviose, MD, Vice President for Patient Services at UHPP said in a release. “Those women who are already sexually active remain at risk for HPV and the vaccine remains effective at preventing exposure to those strains that can cause serious medical problems.”

The vaccine is administered in three doses, and requires three visits to the health center. “The only way to be sure that a person gets the maximum benefit from the HPV vaccination is to complete all three doses,” explains Pluviose.

With each dose normally costing approximately $120 or more per injection, price was definitely proving a roadblock to women who wanted protection but could not afford all three doses. The recommended timeline for injections requires patients to receive all three doses within a six month period. The second and third doses should be given at two and six months (respectively) after the first dose.

Appointments must be made in advance to receive the vaccine. Although the vaccine is free, patients are required to pay for a nurse visit which is subject to Planned Parenthood’s sliding-scale fee.

The grant does not cover the expense of vaccinations for males; however they may also receive the HPV vaccine to reduced risk of contracting the virus and developing the genital warts associated with this common STI.

Vaccinating men provides a double benefit in that fewer men with HPV will also mean that fewer women are exposed. The vaccine will be available at UHPP all year or until supplies last.

To make an appointment visit or call (518)434-5678.


The following are comments from the readers. In no way do they represent the view of

ajznklll wrote on Apr 8, 2011 3:38 AM:

" Most people have herpes/hiv/hpv may feel lonely and shamed. But 70 million are afflicted with STD in the U.S. alone and an estimated over 400 million
worldwide. There is an exclusive community SingleHerpes,c0m for singles and friends with STD. If you just need to find someone to talk to or need help or advice, this is the best place. Never feel lonely again! "

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